CNRS Announcements
RSVP: Faculty Teaching & Learning Monthly Luncheon - Going Mobile!Feb 16 2018Plickers, Clickers, and Apps, Oh My! Join us for the February Faculty Teaching and Learning Luncheon! This month's theme is... |
Please Submit Your FeedbackFeb 14 2018Please Submit Your Feedback regarding the candidates for Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies- |
TODAY! Black Student Success: Increase Recruitment, Retention, Engagement, & CompletionFeb 14 2018Sponsored by the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Center for Teaching and Learning |
CNRS Associated Students Mixer ~ February 21Feb 14 2018CNRS Faculty, Staff and Students: You're invited to attend the upcoming CNRS Associated Student mixer on The Wednesday,... |
T&L Tip #22: Inspire Your Teaching and Your Students’ Learning Through Facilitated FeedbackFeb 13 2018Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) |
Geology Colloquium - February 12th @ 5:00 PM in FH 25Feb 13 2018Rachel Teasdale, Professor, Geological and Environmental Sciences Department, CSU Chico, presents: |
Sustainable Futures Speaker SeriesFeb 13 2018February 15 -- Dr. M Jackson will present "The Secret Lives of Icelandic Glaciers." |
Biological Sciences Seminar ~ February 16Feb 13 2018All are welcome to attend this week's seminar! |
Sequoia Park Zoo Conservation Lecture ~ February 14Feb 12 2018Hello friends of Wildlife, Colleagues, Students and Community Members, EUREKA, CA... |
Cancelled: My First Year In College: A Five-Year RetrospectiveFeb 9 2018The presentation originally schedule for February 16th 2018 has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience. |