CNRS Announcements
FREE DINNER: 25th Annual Pancake DinnerDec 8 2017Start your finals off with a bang! Join us for the 25th Annual Pancake Dinner and enjoy a FREE meal. |
You Are Invited to Participate in the Budget Open Forum, 12/8/17 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.Dec 6 2017The University Resources & Planning Committee (URPC) will facilitate an interactive Budget Open Forum on Friday, December... |
Learning Site Agreement (LSA) Status List – 12/6/17Dec 6 2017Attached is the Learning Site Agreement Status List, current to to 12/6/17, which lists agencies that are approved learning... |
Teaching & Learning Tip #15: ‘Tis the season for Grading!Dec 5 2017Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning |
Wildlife Senior Poster Session ~ December 7Dec 5 2017Hello Friends of Wildlife, In place of our Ecoseries presentation this week, the Wildlife Department is hosting... |
Retirement Reception for CIO Anna KircherDec 4 2017Please join ITS and the Provost's Office in wishing Anna Kircher a fond farewell and a happy retirement on Thursday, December... |
Call for Applications: Faculty Early Retirement Program beginning 2018/19Dec 1 2017December 1, 2017
Call for Applications: Faculty Early Retirement Program beginning 2018/19 ... |
Biology Seminar with Sharman D. O'NeillNov 29 2017Friday, 12/1 @ 4pm in SCI B 133. |
Thesis Defense, Candidate for MS in NR: Wildlife - Kelly CommonsNov 28 2017Tuesday December 5th - 3:00 pm - WLDF 142 Mobbing Behavior in Wild Steller’s Jays (Cyanocitta stelleri) |
Geology Master's Thesis Presentation-Monday, 12/4/17 @ 5:00 PM in FH 25Nov 28 2017Mindi Curran, Master of Science in Geology Candidate, presents: |