CNRS Announcements
Wildlife EcoSeries Seminar ~ February 1Jan 31 2018Hello Wildlife Enthusiasts! Join us tomorrow (2/1) at 4pm in WLDF 258 for a talk about the... |
HSU Staff Council Presents Friend's Day!Jan 31 2018Buy a pair of ducks for ten bucks! Staff Council will deliever the ducks to your awesome friend (between Mon, Feb 12th &... |
Teaching & Learning Tip #20: Learning as a Journey: Early, Low-stakes AssignmentsJan 30 2018Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) |
Mathematics Colloquium ~ February 1Jan 30 2018Dear Colleagues and Friends ~ |
Wildlife lecture and tracking workshops at the NHMJan 25 2018The HSU Natural History Museum is having a free lecture on Tracking Wildlife from insects to Jaguars on Friday, February 2nd... |
Sustainable Futures Speaker SeriesJan 23 2018Feb. 1 -- Maia Wikaira will present "Legal Personality in Rivers, National Parks and Mountains: The Role of Indigenous... |
Teaching and Learning Tip #19: Got Rubrics?Jan 23 2018Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) |
HSU's Office of Research Winter 2018 BulletinJan 17 2018The Office of Research, Economic, and Community Development’s Winter 2018 Bulletin. |
Faculty Teaching & Learning Monthly Luncheon - MEASURING STUDENT LEARNINGJan 17 2018Join us for the first Faculty Teaching and Learning Luncheon of Spring 2018! This month's theme is Measuring Student Learning... |
Teaching & Learning Tip #18: Rock Your First Day of Class!Jan 16 2018Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning |