Advancement Announcements
Candidate Bios for Associate Vice President of Facilities ManagementMar 21 2018Below are the bios for the candidates for the position of Associate Vice President of Facilities Management. ... |
Teaching and Learning Tip #26: May the Force Be With Us!Mar 20 2018Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning |
HSU Professional Development Newsletter - March 2018Mar 1 2018This month inside HSU ... |
Thursday, March 1 - Grand Opening of Special CollectionsFeb 27 2018The HSU Library invites the campus and community to attend the Grand Opening of the new space for Special Collections. Please... |
TODAY! Black Student Success: Increase Recruitment, Retention, Engagement, & CompletionFeb 14 2018Sponsored by the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Center for Teaching and Learning |
4th Annual HSU Authors Celebration - February 14, 2018Feb 6 20184th Annual HSU Authors Celebration Have cake on Valentine's Day in the HSU Authors Hall and celebrate... |
Agricultural Research Institute (ARI) Grants for Agricultural Research 18/19Feb 1 2018We are pleased to announce the launch of the Agricultural Research Institute (ARI) Grants for Agricultural Research 18/19...... |
HSU Staff Council Presents Friend's Day!Jan 31 2018Buy a pair of ducks for ten bucks! Staff Council will deliever the ducks to your awesome friend (between Mon, Feb 12th &... |
Teaching & Learning Tip #20: Learning as a Journey: Early, Low-stakes AssignmentsJan 30 2018Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) |
HSU's Office of Research Winter 2018 BulletinJan 17 2018The Office of Research, Economic, and Community Development’s Winter 2018 Bulletin. |