Advancement Announcements
Welcome Charity Gomes, Our New Gift Processing SpecialistJul 21 2016 Please welcome Charity Gomes, our new Gift Processing Specialist, to the Office of Philanthropy. Charity is filling a... |
Welcome Kristin Pitsenbarger to the Office of PhilanthropyJul 21 2016 Please join us in welcoming Kristin Pitsenbarger to the Office of Philanthropy. Kristin will be providing administrative... |
Welcome Madeline Howard to the Office of PhilanthropyJul 21 2016 Please welcome Madeline Howard to the Office of Philanthropy. Madeline previously worked with the Telefund call center at... |
NEW COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALISTJun 17 2016Grant Scott-Goforth, who will be joining the News & Information team on June 20 as our new Communications Specialist. |
NEW ALUMNI & ENGAGEMENT LEADMay 4 2016We are excited to share that Stephanie Lane has accepted the position as Outreach Lead in the Office of Alumni &... |
TODAY! Centennial Human 100 Aerial Photo & Welcome Home Block PartyJan 1 2016Participate in the Centennial Human 100 Aerial Fly Over Photo and be a part of history! |
Welcome our new staff members - Monday Aug. 26: 9 a.m.Jan 1 2016We are welcoming three new and one returning staff members to the Advancement Office over the next couple of weeks. |
OLLI at HSU Open HouseJan 1 2016HSU faculty, staff and the community are invited to the OLLI Open House, Saturday, Aug. 17, 1-3 p.m. at the Humboldt Bay... |
Humboldt State’s 100th Birthday Festival, Aug 24. on the Arcata PlazaJan 1 2016Take a walk back in time at HSU's big Centennial kick-off party on Saturday, August 24 from 4-7pm on the Arcata Plaza. |
Coming September 3: Customer Service TrainingJan 1 2016The first part of the Customer Service in Higher Education training program will be released in early September and we... |