Advancement Announcements
CSU's Got Talent Webcast - The Meetings That Make or Break an OrganizationFeb 25 2019"What High-Performance Teams Know: The Meetings That Make or Break an Organization", February 27 from 10:00 - 11:00 AM PT... |
Meet the CPS Librarian CandidatesFeb 22 2019Update: On-Campus Candidates--Please note that candidate Robert Shapiro has withdrawn his application and will not be... |
DINING SERVICES CHILI COOK-OFF Oh SNAP! FUNDRAISERFeb 15 2019Dear Colleagues, Dining Services 1st Annual Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser is Thursday, February 21 |
International Education WeekFeb 8 2019February 11-15, 2019, the College of Extended Education and Global Engagement will be hosting International Education Week. |
5th Annual HSU Authors Celebration - February 14, 2019Feb 7 2019Please join us Thursday, February 14, 2019 from 3 - 5pm at HSU Library, to celebrate alumni, emeriti, faculty, staff, student... |
HSU Professional Development Newsletter - February 2019Feb 4 2019This month inside HSU Professional... |
HSU's Office of Research Winter 2019 BulletinJan 24 2019The Office of Research & Sponsored Program's Winter 2019 Bulletin... |
CSU STEM NET Launch: Faculty Recognition & Peer MentoringJan 22 2019Join us for a Live Webcast Presented by the Chancellor’s Office, Department of Research on Friday, February 1st for the launch... |
Panetta Congressional Internship Program Offers Expenses-Paid Internship in D.C.Jan 21 2019Each year in the Fall semester, Humboldt State sends a student to the Panetta Internship program for an expenses-paid, in-... |
HSU Professional Development Newsletter - January 2019Jan 14 2019This month inside HSU Professional... |