Academic Affairs Announcements
Student Course EvaluationsApr 20 2016Faculty: Increase response rates on your student course evaluations by using the *new* protocol for conducting in-class... |
HSU's Cultural Graduation CelebrationsApr 20 2016Cultural Graduation Celebrations:
Q-Grad Celebration Saturday, May 7th 5-7pm @ Kate Buchanan Room ... |
Kinesiology and Public Health Lecture - TONIGHT!Apr 20 2016Join 2014/15 Scholar of the Year awardee, Professor Chris Hopper, for his lecture TONIGHT: An analysis of the key role of the... |
Special Collections Librarian Candidates InterviewsApr 19 2016Two candidates April 21 & 25: Teaching demo 10-11, Staff meeting 11-12 in Fishbowl. |
Sabbatical Leave Informational MeetingApr 18 2016Sabbatical Leave Informational Meeting
Q-Grad CelebrationApr 15 2016Please join the MultiCultural Center along with the Queer community to celebrate |
Asian, Desi, and Pacific Islander Graduation CelebrationApr 15 2016Please join the MultiCultural Center along with the Asian, Desi, and Pacific Islander community |
Moodle Issues UpdateApr 13 2016Here's the latest on what ITS is doing to fix current Moodle issues. |
CSU QOLT Awards and Recognition Program - You Are InvitedApr 7 2016Call for Participation |
HSU's Office of Research Spring 2016 NewsletterApr 6 2016The Office of Research, Economic, and Community Development’s Spring 2016 Newsletter. |