CAHSS Announcements
Transition in the Office of RISS, IRP, and the ODIApr 4 2014Jacque Honda has accepted a position at University of Hawaii and will be leaving HSU at the end of this semester. We wish... |
Windows XP updates have ended - No XP on campus networks as of June 1Apr 4 2014If you're still using Windows XP, your last security update took place on April 8th. |
CPS Centennial Three College Mixer Thursday April 10 5-7 pmApr 4 2014Please join us at the Robert Goodman Winery for the April three college mixer. |
Open Forums for Clubs & Activities CoordinatorApr 3 2014Open Forums for Clubs Coordinator |
CAHSS Announcements for Friday, April 4Apr 3 2014Everyone,
Please join us for Voices & Visions ~ April 24Apr 2 2014Dear Staff, Faculty and Students: |
Please join us for Voices & Visions ~ April 24Apr 2 2014Dear Staff, Faculty and Students: |
Learning Site Agreement (LSA) Status List - 4/1/14Apr 1 2014Attached is the Learning Site Agreement Status List, current to to 4/1/14, which lists agencies that are approved learning... |
Newsletter: Diversity and Inclusive Student Success at HSUApr 1 2014Dear HSU Staff and Faculty, |
CAHSS Newsletter for March 28, 2014Mar 28 2014Please see the attached for upcoming events about CAHSS. |