ITS Announcements

CSU's Got Talent Webcast Training - An Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation

Feb 22 2018

All Employees on campus are invited!

“An Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation”,...

Teaching and Learning Tip #23: Connecting to Community Using the Library’s Special Collections

Feb 20 2018

Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Please Submit Your Feedback

Feb 14 2018

Please Submit Your Feedback regarding the candidates for Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies-

TODAY! Black Student Success: Increase Recruitment, Retention, Engagement, & Completion

Feb 14 2018

Sponsored by the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Center for Teaching and Learning

T&L Tip #22: Inspire Your Teaching and Your Students’ Learning Through Facilitated Feedback

Feb 13 2018

Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Cancelled: My First Year In College: A Five-Year Retrospective

Feb 9 2018

The presentation originally schedule for February 16th 2018 has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience.  

Follow the Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Plan

Feb 8 2018

The work to build a 5 year strategic enrollment management plan for HSU continues this semester.

Teaching and Learning Tip #21: Supporting Our Multilingual Students

Feb 6 2018

Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

4th Annual HSU Authors Celebration - February 14, 2018

Feb 6 2018

4th Annual HSU Authors Celebration

Have cake on Valentine's Day in the HSU Authors Hall and celebrate...

My First Year In College: A Five-Year Retrospective

Feb 2 2018

Want to learn more about the challenges and triumphs of our first-year students during their first weeks of college—and how it...