Academic Affairs Announcements

21st Campus/Community Dialogue on Race Call for Proposals

Sep 23 2019

21st Annual Campus/Community Dialogue on Race

74th Kieval Lecture - October 3rd

Sep 23 2019

Zvezdelina Stankova, Teaching Professor at UC Berkeley and Founder and Director of the Berkeley Math Circle, will be the 74th...

CSU's Got Talent: The 7 Habits of Highly Fulfilled People Webinar Viewing - Sep. 26, 2019 @ 10 AM

Sep 23 2019

Join the HSU community to view and discuss this webinar with Dr.

HSU Understanding ADA Accommodations Training - Sep. 24, 2019 @ 3pm

Sep 23 2019

This training will review the ADA accommodation and disability interactive process for Administrators including roles and...

Come Join us for our 8th Annual PI Research Celebration!

Sep 19 2019

Staff Council Meeting - Wed., Sept. 18, 2019

Sep 12 2019
Staff Council is having its second meeting of the 2019/20...

OLLI Brown Bag Lunch Fall 2019 Season Presentations

Sep 7 2019

Join us Mondays at noon for another great season of Brown Bag Lunch Presentations.

SkillShops for Fall 2019 are Underway!

Sep 6 2019

SkillShops are underway for Fall Semester!  Take advantage of co-curricular programs for students to learn software,...

Assist with "I've Been Admitted to College" Event for Local 8th Graders

Sep 3 2019

Hello Campus Community!

SAVE the DATE: Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI Program) Proposal Development Success Stories

Sep 3 2019

The HSU Sponsored Programs Foundation will be hosting this Live System-Wide Webcast Presented by...