Academic Affairs Announcements
HSU's Office of Research Spring 2021 NewsletterApr 20 2021The Office of Research publishes two newsletters during the academic year; a fall and spring edition. |
ODEI Pathways Newsletter-March 2021Apr 15 2021The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI) is instituting a monthly newsletter to keep Students, Staff, Faculty and... |
CouRaGeouS Cuentos Vol 4 Release CelebrationApr 15 2021On Monday, April 26th from 6-8pm join the Department of Critical Race, Gender, & Sexuality Studies for a 2-hour event... |
SAVE the DATE: STEM-NET Virtual Research Cafe 10.0Apr 9 2021STEM-NET Virtual Research Cafe |
SAVE the DATE: CSUPERB Presents "A Conversation on Power, Structural Racism, and Perceptions of Normality in STEM Through a Lens of Critical Race Theory"Apr 9 2021A Conversation on Power, Structural Racism, and Perceptions of Normality in STEM Through a... |
SAVE the DATE: Evaluation for Grant Writers with CCRPApr 1 2021Evaluation for Grant Writers with CCRP: Virtual Workshop |
Funding Opportunity: NEH Digital Projects for the PublicMar 24 2021NEH Digital Projects for the Public
SAVE the DATE: STEM-NET Webcast on Transportation Research in the CSUMar 23 2021STEM-NET Live Webcast: Transportation Research in the CSU |
SAVE the DATE: Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) Free Virtual WorkshopsMar 22 2021Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) Free Virtual... |
Featured Funding Opportunity: NSF-Funded CSU I-Corps 2021 VIRTUAL Summer SprintMar 22 2021NSF-Funded CSU I-Corps™ 2021 VIRTUAL Summer Sprint... |