CSU's Got Talent Webcast Training - Navigating the Multi-Generational Workplace
"Navigating the Multi-Generational Workplace", March 20 from 10:00 - 11:00 AM PT
For the first time in America's modern history, there are five generations interacting in the workplace. This diverse environment provides an exciting, but sometimes challenging opportunity to effectively communicate and engage employees' generational strengths. This interactive session will address the mainstream media myths of generational warfare in the workplace and provide insight about each generation's strengths, preferences, and communication styles. Special attention will be given to the millennial generation, as much time and attention has been given to this group of employees and the behaviors they bring to the workplace, as well as others' attitudes about the millennial generation. Attendees will leave with concrete ideas and steps about how to capitalize on generational preferences to create a positive and productive work environment for themselves, their colleagues, and the people they serve.
Register the day of the event on the Training and Professional Development website.