Campus Site Work and Gist Hall Parking

June 11, 2019

Beginning the week of June 10, 2019 the seismic retrofit contractor will begin survey, layout, and demolition of the concrete sidewalk and stairs between the Theatre Arts and Art A Buildings, as well as the parking area in front of Gist Hall.  In order to maintain pedestrian access throughout campus at the top of 'B' Street, the contractor will first demo and reconstruct the easternmost sidewalk in front of the Art A building. 

Once this area is completed, the contractor will reopen this area and move to perform work on the sidewalk just east of the Theatre Arts Building.   Finally installing with a new north/south crosswalk on Laurel and new ADA compliant parking spaces in front of Gist Hall.  While performing the new crossing at B Street and Laurel, the westerly access to Laurel will have to be closed for a period of time.  The contractor realizes the importance of access through campus and will keep closures to roads and sidewalks to a minimum while performing this work.   

Other concrete site work activities that will impact campus:

  1. New entry ramp to Balbanis House; work will begin this week and the temporary access will be through the back door. 
  2. New sidewalk/ramp between the Library and Siemen's Hall; work is scheduled to begin this week, and the fence-line will be opened at the NE corner of the Library for building access.
  3. New sidewalk/ramp in front of the Library; work is scheduled to begin this week, pedestrian flow will still be able to travel east toward Music A on the main sidewalk.
  4. New ADA parking and sidewalks at the Library Lot FS6; currently scheduled to start once the work in the Gist Hall parking area is completed

If you should have any questions please call Jason Baugh at Facilities Management, x5072.

Announcement Approvals: