Meet the Candidates! Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs Open Forums

April 30, 2019

The search committee and Provost Alex Enyedi invite you to attend Open Forums for each of the four candidates for the position of Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs.

Reporting to the Provost, the AVP for Faculty Affairs oversees implementation of all faculty personnel processes, policies, and procedures; provides counsel and advice to the Provost on all faculty personnel matters; and provides leadership to develop new faculty personnel policies and procedures for the campus.

Candidates have been asked to provide a 30-minute presentation followed by a Q&A session on the following:

The faculty and staff at Humboldt State University are dedicated to the success of our increasingly diverse student body.  We do this by encouraging and incentivizing teaching excellence through a variety of programs, training, and guidance through the retention, tenure and promotion process.  At the same time, HSU is undergoing institutional change spurred by challenges related to assessment, budget, and enrollment.

Given the opportunities and challenges facing HSU, what would you identify as 3-5 major issues facing faculty?  As the AVP of Faculty Affairs, how would you support faculty in the context of these issues?

Please plan to attend and meet the candidates (bios are attached):


Dr. Mark Amos

Tuesday, May 7

9:15 - 10:15

UC Banquet Room


Dr. Simone Aloisio

Wednesday, May 8

2:15 - 3:15

UC Banquet Room


Dr. Denise Baxter

Monday, May 13

2:15 - 3:15

UC Banquet Room


Dr. Laura Hahn

Wednesday, May 15

1:30 - 2:30

LIB Fishbowl                                   


Your feedback is invaluable! Please complete the AVP for Faculty Affairs Candidate Input Form.

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