World Cafe on Equity in Community Engagement
Equity in Community Engagement: Identifying Barriers to Student Success
Facilitators: Loren Collins, CCBL, Yvonne Doble, Social Work
Two identical sessions offered:
We invite faculty, staff and student support professionals to come share your knowledge and perspectives regarding barriers to equitable student participation in off-campus community engagement (such as: Service Learning, Volunteer Efforts, Academic and non-Internships, Service Projects, Practicum, and other community-based learning opportunities). We will use a World Cafe format to explore ideas, resources, and experience around community engagement.
Purpose: Community-based learning activities are a high impact practice that are required by many programs at HSU for graduation. The relationship between our HSU community and our surrounding, off-campus communities is a dynamic, changing and sometimes problematic context. This affects different students in inequitable ways. To begin to address this inequity in a meaningful way we need to involve faculty, staff and student support professionals in identifying barriers to equitable student participation in off-campus community engagement (Service Learning, Volunteer Efforts, Academic and non-Internships, Service Projects, Practicum, and other community-based learning opportunities). The information shared will provide the foundation for a Professional Learning Community (PLC) style working group focused on addressing these barriers. This PLC will meet throughout Spring 2019.