CNRS Announcements
Faculty -- Add Campus Dialogue on Race to your Fall classes!Aug 9 2017Looking for a dynamic assignment for your fall class? |
Learning Center Launch - Wed., Aug. 23rd - 4:30 to 6:00 pmAug 7 2017The Learning Center is soaring to new heights! We now have all tutoring on the first floor of the Library. Drop by on... |
Get Your Textbooks on Reserve Now!Aug 3 2017Want your textbooks on Reserve at the Library? Get them in now so they will be ready at the beginning of the semester. |
Professional Development Newsletter - August 2017Aug 1 2017This month inside HSU ... |
Learning Site Agreement (LSA) Status List – 8/1/17Aug 1 2017Attached is the Learning Site Agreement Status List, current to to 8/1/17, which lists agencies that are approved learning... |
Academic Affairs ReorganizationJul 28 2017Dear HSU Colleagues, |
Academic Affairs Reorganization - UpdatedJul 28 2017Dear HSU Colleagues, |
Open Forum for Native RecruiterJul 26 2017Please come to the open Forum for the Admissions Native recruiter. HSU welcome Center First floor of... |
CSU’s GOT TALENT: RADICAL CLARITYJul 20 2017In this webcast, Ann Latham, expert in creating clarity, and the founder of Boston consulting firm Uncommon Clarity, presents... |
GET HELP WITH MOVING YOUR COURSES FROM MOODLE TO CANVASJul 19 2017Now is the time to migrate your content to Canvas. Don’t wait until the August rush! |