Summer of Learning… Library Lifelong Learning Lounge @ HSU 643 Learners
Attendance at L4HSU events this summer topped 600. All 600+ HSU Staff, Faculty, Students, and Administrators came together to learn and to foster an innovative and and positive campus culture. L4HSU events are organized by the HSU Library. It was great to watch attendees staying late and meeting up again to connect and share additional resources about the topics presented. Summer learners were asked to identify their favorite part about L4HSU and they said:
Building Community
The time to interact and learn with peers. I felt comfortable hanging out with peers and learning something new. It was nice to be "the student" for a change! :-). - HSU Faculty
Gathering with colleagues from different parts of campus, and students and community members, to learn in ways that weren't just directly work related. Although the issues discussed can be applied to work, it felt like a fun, informal learning experience rather than an obligation. - HSU Staff
feeling connected to other people learning about the same things - HSU Faculty
Meeting people across campus and getting to know them better. Seeing what other people are interested in and planning for future workshops. - HSU Staff
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Workshops
Important dialog about race that was not happening in any other work venue throughout my day-to-day tasks. - HSU Staff
I like to see and be around other people that are committed to learning about issues that affect us all. - HSU Staff
It was attended by choice, not mandated, so participation was positive rather than negative. - HSU Staff
It's a great opportunity for learning and to be able to enhance my professional development in an enjoyable, convenient, and affordable way. - HSU Staff
Lifelong Learning
I enjoy attending events during the summer to keep me involved in the campus. Learning new things during the summer keeps me in the right mindset for when school starts again. - HSU Student
The three presenters were fantastic -- energetic, enthusiastic and well organized. - HSU Staff
I can learn new skills in a safe environment! - HSU Student
All of it - LEARNING!! - HSU Staff and Student
Some of the most popular L4HSU sessions this summer were:
- Bullet Journaling 101
- Color for All: Color Theory Basics
- Evolving Economic Models for Higher Education
- Exploring the Asian American Student Experience at Predominantly White Institutions
- Film Screening: Wild Russian Animated Shorts
- Leadership Toolkit Series: Listening
- Leadership Toolkit Series: Providing Feedback
- Leadership Toolkit Series: Storytelling
- Me & Whiteness: What’s the Connection
- Microaggressions & Bystander Intervention
- Practice Makes Perfect: No More Silence
- Super Social Justice: A Look at Identity Politics in Comic Books
- Ted Talk: Danger of a Single Story
- What I Learned at a Conference
Check out the archived calendar to see the full schedule of workshops and see some of the material that facilitators shared.
L4HSU is a success because of the active participation from our colleagues and excellent presenters from our community. This summer our facilitators were:
- Alex Gradine, Academic Programs
- Cheryl Conner, Library
- Christine Mata, Dean of Students
- Cyril Oberlander, Library
- Garrett Purchio, Library
- Izabella Gray, Contracts and Procurement
- Jessica Carron, Housing
- Jessica Ramirez, Student, Knotty Knitters Club
- Julia Heatherwick, Human Resources
- Katelyn Brady, Library
- Kimberly Stelter, Library
- Kumi Watanabe-Schock, Library
- Michael Le, Office of Institutional Effectiveness
- Michel Sargent, ITS Media Production
- Molly Kresl, Club and Activities
- Morgan Barker, eLearning
- Nicki Viso, Housing
- Ravin Craig, Health Education
- Robert Keever, Academic and Careering Advising
- Roger Wang, EOP
- Sarah Fay Philips, Library
- Tim Miller, Library
- Tracy Smith, RAMP
Please join the Library Lifelong Learning Lounge (L4HSU) next summer for events which support:
- Social & Environmental Responsibility & Action
- Cultural Awareness & Community Engagement
- Professional Development
- Creativity & Play
- Technology & Digital Media
L4HSU Mission:
- Connect programming offered over the previous year or for the future year in a coherent, organized, and planned summer series of “lunchtime” activities.
- Meet Personal and Professional Development needs of students (specifically student workers), staff, and faculty over the summer.
- Build community and connections on campus and across the community.
If you have questions or ideas about summer programming, please contact Sarah Fay Philips at