CNRS Announcements
Library Internships AvailableAug 26 2015The Library's Special Collections invites current students to apply for Scholar Internships. |
Headphones, Calculators, Laptops and More Available to Check Out at the LibraryAug 26 2015You can now borrow headphones,... |
Clicker-Moodle Problem WorkaroundAug 26 2015While ITS is working to resolve the current Clicker-Moodle problem, here’s a quick workaround: |
Assigned Time for Exceptional StudentsAug 25 2015 Call for Applications: Assigned Time for Exceptional Service to Students – Deadline to apply is Friday, September 11, 2015 The... |
African American Center for Academic Excellence EventsAug 24 2015 September 1st at 12 noon on the Quad African American and Latin@ Centers for Academic Excellence – Center Launch... |
African American Center for Academic Excellence EventsAug 24 2015 September 1st at 12 noon on the Quad African American and Latin@ Centers for Academic Excellence – Center Launch... |
African American Center for Academic Excellence Upcoming EventsAug 24 2015Sept 1: Please join us for the upcoming grand opening of the African American Center for Academic Excellence at 12 noon, on... |
HSU's Book of the Year event ~ August 30Aug 23 2015Please join us for a publice reading and discussion of this year's HSU Book of the Year, Salmon is Everything by Dr. Theresa... |
Mandatory Lab Safety Training Sessions ~ Sept. 3 & 4Aug 23 2015LAB SAFETY TRAINING SESSIONS |
New Moodle 2.8 Tutorials AvailableAug 20 2015 23 new Moodle videos, all in HD, have been posted to help you make the most of the latest features and functionality. |