CNRS Announcements
Check Out the Library with Our NewsletterSep 2 2015Next time you're in the Library, grab a copy of our newsletter or access a pdf version... |
CHROME BROWSER CHANGES COMING TONIGHTSep 2 2015Effective this evening, September 2, the Chrome browser will no longer support a number of commonly used plugins, including... |
Learning Site Agreement (LSA) Status List – 9/1/15Sep 1 2015Attached is the Learning Site Agreement Status List, current to to 9/1/15, which lists agencies that are approved learning... |
YES Open House - TODAYSep 1 2015The YES Open House is scheduled for Tuesday September 1, 2015 2-5p.m |
Mathematics Colloquium ~ September 3Sep 1 2015Professor and Mathematics Chair, Jeff Haag will present the first Mathematics Colloquium of the year, "Let's Get Series with... |
CALL FOR PROPOSALS: SABBATICAL/DIP LEAVESep 1 2015Applications for Sabbatical Leave during Academic Year 2016/17 are due by 5:00pm on Monday, October 5, 2015... |
Wildlife Ecology Seminar Series ~ September 3Sep 1 2015Hi All, |
Marine Lab's 50th Anniversary Open HouseAug 31 2015To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Marine Lab we will be having an Open House and BBQ... |
Clicker/Moodle UpdateAug 28 2015The Clicker software has been successfully updated and the problem with Moodle has been resolved. |
Moodle will be offline this eveningAug 27 2015Moodle will be offline from 9pm until 10pm this evening, Thursday 8/27, to correct the Clicker problem. |