CNRS Announcements
CNRS Spring Faculty Welcome ~ January 13Jan 6 2016Dear CNRS Faculty: |
Learning Site Agreement (LSA) Status List – 1/4/16Jan 4 2016Attached is the Learning Site Agreement Status List, current to to 1/4/16, which lists agencies that are approved learning... |
Coming September 3: Customer Service TrainingJan 1 2016The first part of the Customer Service in Higher Education training program will be released in early September and we... |
Meet The Candidates – Director of Academic Technology For The College Of eLearning & Extended Ed.Jan 1 2016You are invited to meet the candidates for the Director of Academic Technology. The Director will lead the Academic... |
Faculty - Time to get your Reserves submitted!Dec 17 2015The Spring 2016 semester will be here before we know it, so please get your Reserve requests in right away. If a text is not... |
Moodle outage clarificationDec 16 2015 Please be assured that only courses on will be... |
Moodle will be down January 4-8 2016Dec 15 2015In preparation for the Spring semester, the Moodle office staff will be applying essential patches and updates to the software... |
TODAY! Farewell to Vikash Lakhani, AVP of Enrollment Management, December 17, 3:30pm, SBS 179Dec 11 2015Please join Peg Blake and the EMSA Leadership Team as we farewell Vikash and thank him for his contributions and service to... |
Mathematics Colloquium ~ December 10Dec 9 2015Hello Math Students and all interested parties: |
Sequoia Park Zoo - Conservation Lecture Series ~ Dec 9Dec 7 2015Hello friends, colleagues, and community members, |