Updates to Campus key and keycard request processes

December 23, 2019

Facilities Management is making updates to the Campus key and keycard request processes. Starting January 2, 2020, Department Key advisors should use the Key Request Webform on the Facilities Management website to request or update access to campus spaces. This webform replaces the old "cardsnow" email process for keycards, and it also replaces the old metal-key paper request process. 

In addition, individual key holders can now file their own Lost/Stolen Key Report online on the Facilities Management Website. Access holders will no longer need to submit a paper Lost Key Report. As always, lost or stolen key or keycards must be reported to Facilities Management within 24 hours.  Lost/Stolen Key reports will trigger an email to the Department Key Advisor for re-authorization. Once the Department Key Advisor authorizes a replacement key or keycard, the campus lockshop can begin processing replacements. 

Please note that Building Coordinator/Liaison approvals are no longer required for metal keys, however additional authorization may be needed if requested keys or keycards are building-masters/submasters or if they provide access to secure locations. Such College or MBU-level authorizations will be sought via email by Facilities Management on a case-by-case basis, as needed.

Facilities Management appreciates your help in maintaining the security of our campus. We welcome any questions or comments about the new processes via email to fmservice@humboldt.edu

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