May 11, 2016

Dear Colleagues:

As our first year of five in implementing our 2015–2020 strategic plan comes to a close, we write to thank all of those whose hard work has helped define the course we will chart for next year.

>>Road Map and FAQs<<

The Steering/ Self-Study Committee (SSSC) for WASC reaffirmation of accreditation provided its recommendations for priority implementation for 2016 and beyond. We hope that you will take the time to read these recommendations as they will deeply, and positively, affect us all.

>>Read the Recommendations<<

When you read these recommendations, you will notice that the first page has two overarching recommendations, the second page has six specific recommendations with sub-areas, and the remaining pages contain a table that maps our strategic plan blueprint items with WASC Criteria for Review and the SSSC’s recommendations. The SSSC’s recommendations provide a timeline for our strategic plan blueprint that prioritizes our outcomes and objectives to make the order of our tasks clear.

Work is already underway on many of the SSSC’s recommendations, including initial steps in the development of an Institutional Effectiveness office and the establishment of a faculty/staff Teaching and Learning Center (jointly with University Senate and the Library) that will be a key component of HSU’s professional development efforts.

Be sure to check the Strategic Plan Implementation website for updates.

We have a bold plan for 2016 in which we seek to balance the elements essential to making our university exceptional with restructuring the way we approach our work. We anticipate that the 2016-2017 academic year will entail a lot of hard work and tough decisions that will lead to a new level of excellence and will help us achieve greater heights in student learning and success.

With best wishes,

Lisa A. Rossbacher, Ph.D.

Julia Alderson, Ph.D.
Chair of the University Senate and Professor of Art History

Announcement Approvals: