Strategic Plan is Finalized – Thank You!

May 15, 2015

Dear University Community,

We are pleased to share with you HSU’s new Strategic Plan, which will guide our work for the next five years. You can view it here.

This plan is the result of many months of hard work by hundreds of HSU employees and students, alumni, and members of our supportive communities. The three task forces and the steering committee spent a great deal of time looking at data, assessing strengths and weaknesses, understanding challenges, exploring opportunities, and meeting individuals and groups. We utilized surveys and focus groups, we held and a day of open discussion that included a broad cross-section of our community. Many people also took the opportunity to review multiple drafts and provide feedback.

The draft of the plan was unanimously endorsed by the University Senate earlier this week, and as Co-Chairs we have accepted it without additional changes.

This plan was strengthened in so many ways through your participation this academic year. We thank you, and we hope that you are proud of the plan that we have created together. 

Now it will be important that we stay focused on the priorities of this plan. We heard very clearly that a critical element of success will be follow-through and accountability. A group will be created to guide implementation of this plan, but it will be our collective responsibility to make it happen.

Once again, thank you for your work in the strategic planning process. And more importantly, as we mark the end of another academic year and look forward to graduation ceremonies tomorrow, thank you for everything you do to help our students be successful.


Lisa A. Rossbacher, Ph.D., President
Noah Zerbe, Ph.D., Chair, University Senate and Chair, Department of Politics
Co-Chairs, HSU Strategic Planning Steering Committee

Announcement Approvals: