Review of Active Space Requests & New Call for Academic Year 20/21

November 10, 2020

The campus is invited to now submit space requests to support current and/or planned University programs. The University Space and Advisory Committee (USFAC) is currently accepting space requests directly from Colleges or Major Budget Units (MBU for non-academic departments). In addition to these new requests, the USFAC will also review previously submitted but unresolved Division-approved space requests. The current list of active space requests is available on the USFAC website. 

New space requests may be submitted by MBUs via the "Space Request Form" anytime throughout the year, although only space requests submitted prior to 5:00PM on Friday,  February 12, 2021 will be included in this year’s review. Please note that if you already have an active request listed on the USFAC website, you do not need to resubmit. 

The Space Request Form may be filled out by any College/MBU. Those departments or individuals wishing to submit a request should work with their College/MBU. All MBUs are strongly encouraged to work with their Division leads when filling out the form. Requests may also be submitted directly by the Division. 

Space requests recommended by Divisions for USFAC review will be added to the active space request page on the USFAC website in mid-March, 2021. Requests will be reviewed by the USFAC and matched, when possible, with available open space. Such recommendations will next go to the University Resources Planning Committee (URPC) for consideration and finally to the President. New space allocations will be announced by portal message before the last green day of Spring Term, 2021 (May 19, 2021). Any request submitted after the February 12, 2021 review date will be considered in the next review process. All questions about the space request process or form should be sent to

NOTE: The University Space & Facilities Advisory Committee (USFAC) is advisory in nature and more details about the committee can be found here. All recommendations are forwarded to the University Resources Planning Committee (URPC) and President for final approval.


Announcement Approvals: