ODEI is offering a Listening Circle for Staff, Thursday, May 30th, 12-1 pm, Zoom

May 22, 2024

In partnership with Human Resources, Counseling and Psychological Services, and Staff Council, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion invites staff to join us for a listening circle focused on recent campus events on Thursday, May 30th, from 12 to 1 pm via Zoom.

This event will provide a safe space for facilitated small group sharing, where each voice is respected and valued. We encourage an environment of mutual respect and understanding, where everyone feels comfortable sharing their experiences and listening to others who may have had different experiences during these times. Please note that this is not an action-oriented space, yet your participation is vital in shaping the future of our campus community. You are invited to come together to listen, learn, and collaborate towards a more equitable and welcoming environment. Please join us using this Zoom link

The Listening Circle will be opened as a full group, where we will share the purpose of the listening circles and community agreements for engagement. We will then organize into breakout groups with two facilitators per group. We will conclude with a brief full-group engagement for anyone to share further in the larger space. No notes will be taken, and the sessions will not be recorded. 

This is a space to discuss personal experiences, recent campus events, and the social climate. Please keep in mind that all employees and facilitators have a "Duty to Report" incidents of harassment and sexualized violence to the Title IX office. 

Again, here is the Zoom link: https://humboldtstate.zoom.us/j/88602163412?pwd=TC9JeHpmK3lNUzhqMlFObFp1aWg3Zz0


Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI)

email: diversity.humboldt.edu