Nominations for McCrone Promising Faculty Scholars Award

November 1, 2018

The Sponsored Programs Foundation is pleased to request nominations for the McCrone Promising Faculty Scholars Award for HSU faculty members. This award will recognize HSU’s newer faculty, acknowledge their potential in their field of research, and encourage their continued achievement.

ELGIBILITY CRITERIA:  Tenured/Tenure track faculty members from all fields who have received their terminal degrees within the last seven (7) years and who are actively involved in research are eligible. Nominations for the award are sought from the campus community and will consist of a letter (no more than two pages, please) indicating the nominee’s qualifications for the award. Eligible faculty may self-nominate.

SELECTION PROCESS:  Please submit a nomination letter to the Sponsored Programs Foundation electronically through InfoReady. Nominees will be notified and invited to submit to the office a current curriculum vitae and a brief (no more than two pages) statement about their current and anticipated research activities.  A committee including previous Scholars of the Year will select up to three award recipients.

AMOUNT OF THE AWARD:  Each award will be made for $1,500.  Awards are to be used to assist the scholar in supporting his/her program of creative activity, scholarship, or research.

DEADLINES:  Letters of Nomination must be submitted electronically to the Sponsored Programs Foundation through InfoReady by Wednesday, January 30, 2019 by 5:00pm.  Awards will be presented at a reception held on Thursday, April 18th 2019 from 4:00-6:00pm in the Great Hall of College Creek. The recipient must be available to attend the reception and give a short presentation of their research.

QUESTIONS:  Should be directed to the Sponsored Programs Foundation, SBS 427, (707) 826-4189 or

Announcement Approvals: