Message from the President: My Retirement Plans

September 25, 2013

I write to inform you that I have decided to retire at the end of this academic year. I have enjoyed my years serving you and believe that we have made real progress at the university over my years of leadership, despite the state's economic struggles.

Over the last eleven years, together we have made substantial improvements in our curricula, shared governance and physical facilities. All of these changes have resulted in better experiences for our students, faculty and staff. Our service to our community is widely recognized as a most important contribution.

Formal announcement of my retirement will be made at the CSU Board of Trustees later today and a public announcement will be issued shortly after. In coming weeks, the Chancellor and Board of Trustees will share information about the process for selecting a new president.

I believe this university presents a unique opportunity for individuals interested in academic administration. I am confident that our Trustees and Chancellor will be able to attract a new President who will appreciate the successful initiatives created by our students, staff and faculty and be anxious to help you mold the next century for Humboldt State University.


Rollin C. Richmond

Announcement Approvals: