Join our campus Sustainability Employee Educators Developing Solutions (SEEDS) team for AY 23-24! Incentives include extra pay, tshirt, food!
August 17, 2023
Greetings Cal Poly staff and faculty,
You are invited to join our campus SEEDS program! This program is open to current staff and faculty of Cal Poly Humboldt.
SEEDS is an acronym that stands for Sustainability Employee Educators Developing Solutions. With AY 2023-2024 representing the second year of this structured program at Cal Poly Humboldt, SEEDS seeks to train a cohort of employee peer educators to serve as leaders and point people for campus sustainability issues. Participants foster improvement and change within their peer group on sustainability topics ranging from issues of waste, energy, transportation, purchasing, water, and environmental justice, among others. This program merges an existing campus workplace sustainability auditing program (called the Green Workplace Assessment) with the concept of employee peer education in service of meeting STARS criteria for EN 7 Employee Peer Educators. Participants earn a one-time $500 payment at completion of the program, a t-shirt, and will receive catered lunches in some of the program sessions. The required commitment for participants is to attend weekly 90-minute synchronous training sessions and complete roughly 1 hour of work asynchronously outside of meeting times weekly. Synchronous meetings are scheduled for Fridays 9:30-11 a.m. weekly throughout the year.
SEEDS is an acronym that stands for Sustainability Employee Educators Developing Solutions. With AY 2023-2024 representing the second year of this structured program at Cal Poly Humboldt, SEEDS seeks to train a cohort of employee peer educators to serve as leaders and point people for campus sustainability issues. Participants foster improvement and change within their peer group on sustainability topics ranging from issues of waste, energy, transportation, purchasing, water, and environmental justice, among others. This program merges an existing campus workplace sustainability auditing program (called the Green Workplace Assessment) with the concept of employee peer education in service of meeting STARS criteria for EN 7 Employee Peer Educators. Participants earn a one-time $500 payment at completion of the program, a t-shirt, and will receive catered lunches in some of the program sessions. The required commitment for participants is to attend weekly 90-minute synchronous training sessions and complete roughly 1 hour of work asynchronously outside of meeting times weekly. Synchronous meetings are scheduled for Fridays 9:30-11 a.m. weekly throughout the year.
Learn more about this program by attending an informational session on Friday, Aug. 18 from 2-3 p.m. in Nelson Hall 102 (Goodwin Forum).
If interested in joining the program, fill out this form at your earliest convenience.
View or share a flyer about the program with colleagues and peers here.
Check out a tentative program schedule for Fall 2023 here.
Email Katie Koscielak at kmk928@humboldt.eedu with any questions!