Join the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council

September 6, 2018

Dear HSU Campus Community,

The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI) would like to invite you to become a member of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council. We are looking to have a diverse representation of voices and welcome faculty, staff and students from all disciplines and departments who would like to contribute to the on-going efforts of making HSU a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.

There are only 21 positions available, please be prompt when self-nominating.
If you are interested in joining the council, please email us at  

We are looking to convene the first meeting of the semester soon, so please email us no later than Friday, September 14, 2018.

Thank you,

Dr. Cheryl Johson and Dr. Edelmira Reynoso
Co-Chairs of the Council

Announcement Approvals: