JGC Elevator Modernization

May 15, 2023

Thyssenkrupp Elevator Company (TKE) will be performing modernization work on the north elevator at the Jolly Giant Commons from Tuesday 05/16/2023 through Friday 06/16/2023.  The elevator will be temporarily out of service during this time. TKE will work to restore elevator service as soon as possible. Alternative accessible pathways to the upper floors of the JGC will be available during the modernization via the north exterior walkway and the south elevator. Students who require additional access assistance during this time may contact the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) at (707) 826-4678. Staff and faculty with access support needs should contact Human Resources at (707) 286-3626.  If you have questions regarding the modernization work, please contact Facilities Management at 707 826-4475.    

Announcement Approvals: