Introduction to LifeMatters by Emapthia: HSU's New Employee Assistance Program

February 5, 2021

LifeMatters is the new comprehensive Employee Assistance Program offered to Humboldt State University employees and their families through Empathia.  With Empathia, employees have access to 8 free counseling sessions, work life services including legal and financial consultation, convenience services such as help finding child and elder care, and access to the LifeMatters website containing assessments, articles, and tools related to mental and emotional well-being.   Additionally, Empathia offers resources related to supervising employees available for managers on campus. 

For additional information, please see the EAP webpage located on the Human Resources website. 

Empathia will be hosting two introductory sessions (one for staff/faculty, and another for managers) using the GoToWebinar platform for HSU employees to learn more about available services, please join us to learn more:

Staff/Faculty Session
Tuesday, February 23rd    
1pm – 2pm
Please use the following link to register (you will then be sent a confirmation email and reminders, along with login information): 

Manager Session
Thursday, February 25th     
10am – 11am
Please use the following link to register (you will then be sent a confirmation email and reminders, along with login information):

Announcement Approvals: