Humboldt Loyalty Grants -- Request for Proposals
Humboldt Loyalty grants support a variety of campus projects each year, thanks to the generosity of thousands of donors to the Humboldt Loyalty Fund and the Humboldt Parent & Family Fund. In Academic Year 2014-15, the University estimates that these funds will support about a dozen projects with up to $20,000 available per project.
Project proposals for these funds should be submitted to the relevant Dean or Vice President and are due no later than March 7. They will rank the proposals they receive and make recommendations to President Richmond who makes final funding allocations by April 30.
For the first time, this year donors will also have an opportunity to provide input. Once proposals are submitted, University Advancement will send donors a communication that outlines potential projects and gives the donors an opportunity to rank projects according to their preferences. These rankings will be aggregated and provided to the Vice Presidents and Deans, who will incorporate donor input in their recommendations to the President.
Full project submission guidelines are attached. If you seek funding for a project, please review these guidelines and consider submitting a project proposal by March 7, 2014.