HSU will ban plastic shopping bags

February 7, 2014

Continuing our commitment to sustainability, I am pleased to announce that Humboldt State will join the City of Arcata’s ban on plastic shopping bags and take steps to encourage the use of reusable bags.

Beginning in March, the HSU Bookstore and all campus marketplaces and eateries will be plastic bag free. They will offer paper bags for ten cents each to encourage shoppers to bring reusable bags with them.

Arcata's recently enacted law was passed in part due to the research of Humboldt State students, who estimated that between 3 and 5 million plastic bags were used annually by Arcata shoppers.

I am proud of our students’ work to improve our community, and committed to taking steps here on campus to minimize our impact on the environment. This is the latest example of Humboldt State's leadership as a sustainable campus.


Rollin C. Richmond

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