HSU Professional Development Newsletter - November 2019

November 1, 2019

This month inside HSU Professional Development Newsletter

Empathy as a Superpower
November is a great month to remember to express our gratitude. Practicing gratitude can improve our overall well-being. Take the opportunity to learn about the role of empathy at work and in life. Join this session to better manage conflict by strengthening your power of empathy toward those you don't understand, those you do - and yourself. You will also learn the challenges to empathy, and when empathy may have gone too far. Empathy is a path to managing conflict, expanding our understanding of others, and healthier relationships.
Out of Office
Understanding Employee Leave of Absence Programs
The CSU has many leave of absence programs available to its employees. Come learn when a formal leave is necessary, eligibility factors, how various leaves work together to benefit our employees, and the department/supervisor's role when an employee is on leave.
CGT Don't You Know
Don't You Know Who I Am? How to Stay Sane in the Era of Narcissism, Entitlement and Incivility
Join the HSU community to view and discuss this webinar with Dr. Ramani Durvasula, titled Don't You Know Who I Am? How to Stay Sane in an Era of Narcissism, Entitlement and Incivility. We will watch the webinar together, and then open it up for questions and conversation. This live webinar is part of the CSU's Got Talent series. The community viewing and discussion is hosted by HSU's HR team.

All this, plus CSU Learn Courses, upcoming training events, Skillshops, interesting articles, inspiring videos, and the next Avoiding Unconscious Bias Workshop
Please visit our November 2019 Newsletter