HSU Professional Development Newsletter - May 2021

May 3, 2021

This month inside HSU Professional Development Newsletter

  • Summer Learning - Over the summer, the Professional Development and Training Team in Human Resources will continue offering live (virtual) workshops throughout the summer.
  • Prezi Classic: Building Presentations - Discover how to create and open a presentation; import a PowerPoint presentation; use built-in presentations; work with frames, layouts, and text; and change the order of steps in a presentation path.
  • Successful Performance Evaluations: How to Give Them and How to Receive Them - In this webcast, you will learn to appreciate feedback from others, and mitigate common “triggers” that prevent us from fully implementing the feedback we receive. You will also learn proven frameworks for delivering honest and constructive performance feedback, to help colleagues build confidence, bolster productive, and improve performance at work.
  • Personal Resilience in an Uncertain World - This session will explore easily accessible ways to build your personal resilience, now and as we continue to adapt in the future.
  • CSU Learn Learning Bundles - Learning Bundles cover a wide array of topics, such as building teams, performance evaluation, communication, strategic thinking, mindfulness, and much more to support your professional and personal development. They are available to you at any time!
  • On the Bookshelf - The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni.
  • Video - How to Manage for Collective Creativity.
  • Change Management – Prosci ADKAR Basics - Prosci's ADKAR Model is designed to guide change based, fundamentally, on how we as human beings experience change.
  • National Geographic Video Storytelling Course for Educators - Learn about digital storytelling and how to integrate video as an effective and dynamic instructional tool in your classroom. 
  • Meditation Opportunities - Monday morning sessions, Fridays at noon sessions and a  session to gain understanding of meditation basics, and how a regular practice can help you become more resilient, productive and centered.
  • Exploring Humboldt's Flora and Fauna - iNaturalist is a great guide to answer all the "what is that?" inquiries when we are out and about in our beautiful region.
  • CSU's Got Talent - Effective Communciation Online or Off - Secrets to Getting Your Message Heard.
  • 5 Ways To Successfully Ditch The Digital Distractions - Picture this: Your to-do list rolling its imaginary eyes as you scroll through social media, refreshing Instagram one more time just in case someone updated their story in the last two seconds.  Sound familiar? 
  • Creating Edible Gardens - Master Gardeners of Humboldt and Del Norte Counties provide extensive guidance on edible gardens.
  • Online Skillshops @ the Library
  • HSU Workshop for Avoiding Unconscious Bias in the Hiring Process
  • Upcoming Training Opportunities 
  • and more! 

Please visit our May 2021 Newsletter