HSU Budget Update

July 20, 2020

Today the California State University distributed a memo with a systemwide perspective on this year’s budget as well as the expected budget challenges in coming years. CSU Budget Memo

Humboldt State University has undertaken significant planning for budget reductions. In recent months, this has included preparing for the anticipated impact of the pandemic on state funding and enrollment. 

One important approach to reducing overall staffing levels is the Early Exit Program, which offers employees a chance to voluntarily separate with a severance package. The deadline to apply has been extended to July 31.

A number of recent campus memos have provided updates on HSU’s budget. They include this most recent budget memo as well as this memo outlining strategies for addressing HSU’s anticipated two-year, $20 million budget shortfall.  

Extensive resources related to HSU’s budget and the planning process are available on the Budget Office website and the University Resources & Planning Committee website.

The University will continue to provide updates on progress in addressing the budget shortfall.


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