Helping You Start the Semester Right: Parking and Bikes & Boards

August 15, 2014

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome back to a new academic year. The campus is already coming alive with students. Next week we will see a wave of students and parents returning to campus and filling our academic halls and residence halls.

Next week, new students and their parents will be participating in Humboldt's Orientation Program (HOP), returning students will be moving back into the dorms, community members plan to attend Convocation, and staff and faculty family members will be attending the Family Picnic on Friday.

This sudden rush is exciting and will have many effects on our campus traffic patterns. Please join us in welcoming our new students and parents. If you have a name tag, consider wearing it next week. And please keep in mind the following:

Parking Monday, August 18 – Friday, August 22

As a courtesy to our new students and their parents:

  • Alternate transportation is encouraged. Consider:
    • Carpooling
    • Buying a Jack Pass (it isn't just for students)
    • Joining the free online ridesharing service ZimRide
    • Riding a bike or walking
  • Perimeter parking in General Parking areas leaves more easily accessible spaces for our visitors. If you need a Parking Permit, you can purchase one at the Student Financial Services window.
  • Parking staff and officers will be out on campus to assist our visitors.

Bikes & Boards Safety

The University Police Department will again be focusing on student safety as the new term begins. One of its big concerns is bike and skateboard violations, as injuries from crashes on bicycles and skateboards can often be very serious. Please remember that bikes must follow the same rules as cars on roadways (stop at all stop signs and yield to pedestrians). Also, skateboarders also need to stop as well. Officers will be increasing patrol looking for safety issues and opportunities to remind everyone of the rules of the road. Please be courteous in whatever mode of travel you use, and let's not meet by accident.

Let's ride the wave to a safe start to the semester!


Joyce Lopes
Vice President, Administration & Finance

Announcement Approvals: