September 15, 2015

The ITS project prioritization proposal cycle for Fall 2015 is now open! As a reminder, ITS Project Prioritization is for projects or process improvement initiatives that will require more than 20 hours of ITS time and the efforts of two or more ITS staff.  Detailed information about how to submit a proposal, along with a full description of the process, can be found on the ITS Project Office website at The deadline for submitting proposals is 8:00am on Monday October 19, 2015.

How to submit your proposal

With this cycle, ITS is introducing a new web-based project request form. You’ll find more information on the new form and workflow, as well as a short primer on completing the new form, at The Project Office is also hosting a couple of drop-in sessions in the GH 211C lab, where you’ll be able to ask about the new form and/or talk over your project ideas with Project Office staff and programmers:

September 23 2015 – 11am-12 noon
September 24, 2015 – 2pm-3pm

If you are unable to make the drop-in sessions, feel free to contact anyone in the ITS Project Office to talk through your ideas, get advice on how to best present the idea, or learn how to complete the form. For process improvement initiatives, contact the Process Improvement Team at X5097. You can consult with anyone in ITS about any technology idea you may have, even if it's not (yet) a project request!

Remember that this process is for large projects only, and the number of requests that can be approved in each cycle is limited. It’s particularly important that proposals support the HSU 2015-2020 Strategic Plan, so be sure to clearly indicate how your proposal does this in your request. As always, continue to use your normal channels for communicating with ITS staff about day-to-day technology needs.

Current projects

You can see a list of current projects at Just click on any individual project to display specific details about that project.

Remember - to be considered in this prioritization cycle, project requests must be received by 8:00am on Monday October 19, 2015.

The results of the Fall 2015 prioritization cycle will be announced before the end of this semester, and approved projects will start in January 2016, subject to resource availability.

We welcome your ideas and feedback about this process. Call the ITS Project Office at (707) 826-3815 or send an email to

Announcement Approvals: