Facilities Management: Spring Work Order Closeout

April 8, 2022

All billable work orders will be billed out in May/June for work done this fiscal year. If jobs are not complete by May 6, we will bill out the charges incurred to that point in this fiscal year, and any charges incurred after May 6 will be billed to departments in the next fiscal year (FY 22/23). If you have time-sensitive billable work orders that must be completed and billed out before the end of the current fiscal year, please contact our Customer Service Center at 707-826-4475 directly for further discussion. Please try to have your work order number in-hand when you call.

New requests for Facilities Management services submitted between May 2nd and June 30th will be put on hold until July 1st, 2022, at the earliest. All of these “on-hold” work requests will be tagged with “FY22-23” in the work order title, and scheduled to begin sometime after July 1, 2022, as resources allow. If there are circumstances requiring work completed this fiscal year, please make that clear in the request title and/or contact our Customer Service Center at 707-826-4475 directly for further discussion.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as Facilities Management catches up on the currently scheduled work and critical deferred maintenance on our campus.

Announcement Approvals: