Empathia Summer Wellness Session

May 22, 2024

Our Summer Session is starting in just two weeks!  Please see the links below to sign up for the hour long zoom sessions led by Empathia's counselors. Each registrant who attends the sessions will be entered to win a Cal Poly Hoodie!

Summer Session

6/4/24: Personal Resilience 12-1pm PST with Norm Arslan https://humboldtstate.zoom.us/j/87903414992?pwd=cTcyU0xJc1ZkY0dXVHBtNkZ1Z1F1Zz09

6/11/24: Expanding your Sphere of Influence 12-1pm PST with Norm Arslan https://humboldtstate.zoom.us/j/84834359943?pwd=Q2I5czFKOXR0R2VBSHdweWhDcnFYZz09

6/18/24: Creating Healthy Mind 12-1pm PST with Norm Arslan https://humboldtstate.zoom.us/j/82632099455?pwd=T2YvMzI2Sk9GMmZobnd4OW1XUUhhZz09


Announcement Approvals: