Brown Bag Breakfasts and Lunches with President for Faculty & Staff

November 5, 2014

Join President Lisa Rossbacher for a brown bag breakfast or lunch in the Corbett Conference Room (Siemens Hall, Room 222). Eight brown bag events are scheduled November through April, and more will be added as needed. Seating is limited to 14, so please sign up on the training website with the links provided below. Please limit your participation to one event. Come prepared to introduce yourself and share one thing that HSU is doing well and one thing that could use improvement. Beverages will be provided. An evening event is being scheduled for plant operations employees who work after 5 p.m.


Dates and Times (Links will take you directly to the sign-up page):


Nov 4 12-1:00

Nov 20 12-1:00

Dec 5 8:30-9:30

Jan 21 12-1:00

Feb 3 8:30-9:30

Feb 23 12-1:00

Mar 10 12-1:00

Apr 3 8:30-9:30



Announcement Approvals: