Approval Process for Essential Travel

August 21, 2020

Dear Campus Partners,

Please review the following guidelines regarding Essential Travel outlined by fund source. Only essential travel is permitted at this time. Go to the Travel Guide of the Campus Ready website for details.

Faculty and Staff members traveling on State-Side, Foundation, or AS funds (with or without students), create a Request in Concur with all potential expenses, and submit it for approval.  The Concur Request will be routed through the normal approval process, and Administrators will “Approve and Forward” the Request to the appropriate VP.  After the VP approves, it will be routed by Accounts Payable to President Jackson.  Feel free to reach out to Kearney Vander Sal at, and she will be able to assist with any Concur questions you may have.

Faculty and Staff members traveling using Sponsored Programs grant or trust funds, first reach out to the fund or trust grant analyst.  They will help the Principal Investigator (PI) create a Risk Mitigation Plan and add your trip to the Google Doc Master List.  They will then reach out to the appropriate Department Chair, Dean, as well as Risk Management to obtain approvals and any necessary edits.  Then the President’s Office is contacted and when approval is received, the Master List is updated and the PI is notified.

For student only travel, contact the appropriate VP to obtain email approval prior to completing a travel authorization form.  Once your appropriate VP has emailed approval to you, print to pdf (if submitting digitally), or print a copy to attach as backup with your travel authorization form.  Submit the signed travel authorization form with VP approval to the President’s office for President Jackson’s approval.  Submit these documents along with the travel claim to obtain reimbursement after the trip.

For information on how to start using Concur, visit:  

Additional Concur Resources: 

More guides can be found on the HSU Concur Website
To set up zoom training in Concur, please contact Kearney Vander Sal at

Announcement Approvals: