Annual Fire Alarm Testing Schedule May 22-26

May 18, 2023
Facilities Management has scheduled the following buildings for fire alarm testing May 22-May 26. Due to the large volume of fire alarms to be tested, some scheduling changes may occur. A schedule is provided below. Additional scheduling for remaining buildings to be tested May 30 - June 2nd will follow. 

During the testing of the fire alarms, technicians will be activating smoke detectors and pull stations throughout the building. Each building will also have a full audible/visual test of the bells and strobes. The bells and strobes will sound for approximately 15-30 minutes, depending on building size. Testing in Housing Buildings will begin after 9am.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we perform this required scheduled maintenance. Please feel free to contact the Facilities Customer Service Center by email at or call 707-826-4475 with any questions or concerns. 


May 22:
Harry Griffith Hall, Natural Resources, Forestry
Creekview Creekside Lounge, Laurel, Juniper, Fern

May 23:
Student Health Center, Siemens Hall
Creekview Willow, Canyon, Alder, Cedar, Chinquapin, Madrone

May 24:
Mary Warren House, Baiocchi house, Toddler Center, Wildlife & Fisheries, Schatz Lab, Figueiredo Bldg (Natural History Museum), Swetman Child Development Center
Canyon Pepperwood, Tan Oak, Maple, Hemlock

May 25:
Science A, B, C & E, Alistair McCrone Hall, Nelson Hall East and West, Gist Hall, CCAT
The Hill - Sunset, Redwood

May 26:
Art-A, Art-B, Music-B
Campus Apartments, Jolly Giant Commons, College Creek Del Norte, Shasta


Announcement Approvals: