2019-2020 Graduation Initiative 2025 Call For Proposals - Update

March 12, 2019

Thank you to all of the faculty and staff who submitted a proposal for Graduate Initiative 2025 funding. 


Thank you, too, for your thoughtful and inspired work given the extremely accelerated timeline for proposal preparation. Fifty proposals are moving forward from the four divisions (Academic Affairs, Advancement, Administrative Affairs, and Student Affairs) for scoring and further consideration. Results will be announced when the 2019-2020 FY HSU Budget is finalized in May. Details of the projects submitted for consideration will also be published. See below for the next steps in the prioritization process.


Here are the next steps in the prioritization process:

·         AS Feedback to Cabinet due 3/11/19

·         SSA Rubric analysis to Cabinet due 3/14/19

·         Cabinet Prioritization due to URPC 3/28/19

·         URPC recommendation to President due 4/12/19

·         Budget Announcement including GI 2025 funded projects 5/8/19


For more information, refer to the funding call found at https://budget.humboldt.edu/welcome-0


The campus anticipates similar funding to be available next year for the 2020-21 academic year. Units are encouraged to start planning now for a request for proposals to come in Fall 2019.

Announcement Approvals: