Campus Evacuation Procedures / Rally Points / EAPs / Plans
July 25, 2013 go to a Rally Point or EAP in the case of an Active Shooter Incident. Otherwise, please follow these guidelines in the case of a Building Evacuation/Fire Alarm.Evacuation ProceduresEvacuate when any alarm sounds to the nearest Rally Point and wait for instructions.Two types of EvacuationsAlarm SoundingDuring an alarm sounding evacuation – get out of the building as quickly and orderly as possible. Don’t waste time collecting your personal items, laptops, etc. Do not use elevators.Word of Mouth in a "Controlled Evacuation."During a Controlled Evacuation – Take your personnel effects, backpacks, laptops, keys, and leave the area. Don’t gather at Rally Points or EAPs. ***Check the HSU web and 826-INFO for what is happening and when it is safe to reenter your building and continue classes.***In a disaster or major emergency, evacuation of a specific building may be necessary. Classes, departments and offices in every building should know in advance the locations of the Rally Points for the building and the University's Emergency Assembly Points (EAPs), where information and assistance will be provided. Most buildings are posted with yellow Evacuation Plan Signs near doors directing people where to gather.Download a printable Rally Point & EAP map here: a printable Rally Point and EAP Building List Legend here: building evacuation will occur when a fire alarm sounds or upon notification by UPD, emergency personnel or the building's evacuation team. Members of this team will usually be wearing an orange safety vest for identification.Be aware of all marked exits from your area and building. Know the routes from your work area.Caution: Building fire alarms may stop ringing; even if they stop, continue the evacuation.When the evacuation/fire alarm sounds or you are told to leave by emergency personnel, walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and alert others to do the same. Do not use elevators unless directed.Assist persons with disabilities in exiting the building. Elevators may be used to evacuate persons with disabilities only after the elevator has been declared safe. Always evacuate mobility aids (wheelchairs, walkers, crutches) with the person, if possible. Some wheelchairs may be very heavy, so you may have to leave the heavier items behind.Always ASK if you can help. If blind or visually impaired, ASK if you can help them by guiding them by the elbow.Once outside, move to the nearest Rally Point outside your building. Look for Building Evacuation Team members wearing orange safety vests and check in with them.Emergency Assembly Point (EAP) are usually used only after you have checked in at a Rally Point and/or instructed to go there by the Building Evacuation Team leader.Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.If requested, assist emergency personnel.An emergency Incident Command Post (ICP) may be set up near the emergency site. Keep clear of the ICP unless you have important information to report.Do not return to an evacuated building unless directed to do so by UPD/emergency personnel or your Building Evacuation Team members assisting at the Rally Point.If buildings are damaged in an earthquake or other emergency, they will be inspected as soon as possible and posted with a red "Closed" or green "Open" sign. Do not re-enter a building that has not been inspected or does not display a sign.Evacuation of Persons with Access and Functional Needs: Refer to you have any questions, contact UPD Emergency Department at 826-4635