Starting this Tuesday! Fall 2022 Campus Open Forum Series

October 17, 2022
Please join the University Resources and Planning Committee, in collaboration with campus partners, for a four-part series of open forums taking place every other Tuesday throughout the fall semester. All Open Forums will take place from 9:00 am - 10:30 am in the Great Hall, and will be recorded.
  • October 18, 2022: Budget Planning & Enrollment Update 
    Content: Budget 101, overview of where we are, where we are headed, and how we all fit, highlight fall budget planning activities (including poly), highlight Fall Census enrollment and current enrollment projections

  • November 1, 2022: Graduation Initiative 2025 (GI 2025) Retention & Graduation, Enrollment Demographics
    Content: Overview of Cal Poly Humboldt enrollment demographics, overview of Cal Poly Humboldt retention and graduation statistics, update on the five GI 2025 priorities, highlight new CO student success dashboards, highlights from the CSU GI 2025 Convening

  • November 15, 2022: Capital Projects, Maintenance, and Space Planning
    Content: Overview of current capital, maintenance, and space planning efforts underway. In addition, we will overview the USFAC committee and space planning process. 

  • November 29, 2022: Beyond the General Fund: Highlighting the Broader Ecosystem of Resources at Humboldt, Including Research, Philanthropy, and Community Partnerships
    Content: Panelist session highlighting initiatives underway and future opportunities

Announcement Approvals: