Meet the Sustainability Librarian Candidates

June 1, 2022
Please join us for presentations by the Sustainability Librarian Candidates. 

Each candidate will be presenting on a prompt related to teaching and engaging students in sustainability related research. Candidates will have 30 minutes for their presentation and 20 minutes for questions. 

All presentations will be at 9:00 am- 9:50 am for the dates below in the Humboldt Scholars Lab on the third floor in the Library: 

  • Monday, June 6 – Tath Haver
  • Tuesday, June 21 – Nancy Wallace 
  • Wednesday, July 6 – Morgan Barker

Candidate bios and feedback forms are attached. Please submit your feedback.

Please contact the search committee chair, Kimberly Stelter, with any questions:

Announcement Approvals: