HSU Holiday Food Drive and "Hunger Fighter Challenge"
Have you noticed the Humboldt County Food Bank Barrels in buildings around campus? HSU’s Holiday Food Drive takes place Tuesday, November 12th through Wednesday, December 11th!
All donations collected here on campus will be given to Food for People- the Humboldt County Food Bank- for distribution monthly to over 12,000 low income children, families, people with disabilities, and seniors… our neighbors here in Humboldt County.
This year we are encouraging both clubs & student organizations, as well as departments/faculty/staff to participate in the “HSU Hunger Fighter Challenge.” One winning club/student organization, and one winning department with the most donations will be invited to celebrate with a special dinner with the President next semester! Each winning team may select 4-6 members to join us in sharing the meal. To receive credit towards the “Hunger Fighter Challenge,” please place food donations in a strong bag and attach a note with the name of your Club and contact information.
Donations may be delivered either to the Center for Service Learning & Academic Internships (Gist Hall 122) or in food barrels placed in the following campus locations:
· College Creek Lobby
· The “J” Housing Desk
· Student Business Services
· HSU Bookstore
· Harry Griffith Hall
· Founders Hall
· Library
· Siemens Hall
· Behavioral and Social Sciences
The HSU Holiday Food Drive is sponsored by the Service Learning Interns and the Center for Service Learning & Academic Internships. For more information, please contact the CSLAI at 826-4964 or email slc@humboldt.edu .