Facilities Work Orders for Maintenance Requests

May 2, 2019

Due to the already scheduled summer workload of campus prioritized and critical maintenance projects, Customer Service Requests (CSRs) that are beyond routine maintenance/services (i.e. repairing something that is broken, responding to a clogged drain, etc.) that are submitted between May 1 and September 30, will be postponed for implementation until October 1, 2019 at the earliest.  Any work request submitted between May and September will be tagged "NEXT FISCAL YEAR" as its status and the requestor will be notified by an automated email.

Between May and September, Facilities Management will work on completing requests already in our system, with priority given to projects identified as critical to supporting GI2025 and Strategic Plan initiatives, along with critical maintenance items. For work requests already in the system, Facilities Management will be sending out a list of these to MBU leads to confirm the current priority in the next few days.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If there are circumstances requiring a more expedited process for a particular request, please make that very clear in the request title and/or contact our Customer Service Center at 707-826-4475 directly for further discussion. We appreciate your patience and understanding as Facilities Management catches up on the currently scheduled work and deferred maintenance on our campus.

Announcement Approvals: