Marching Lumberjacks Finds New Home with Athletics and Rec Sports

April 29, 2019

Humboldt State's Athletics and Recreational Sports is welcoming the Marching Lumberjacks to their team. The Marching Lumberjacks have been entertaining students and the community for more than 50 years. Their distinctive sound and entertaining performances are popular elements at many sporting events and parades on and off campus.

To preserve and support this important tradition, administration of the Marching Lumberjacks will be relocated to Sport Clubs and the band will be defined as a Pep Band. The Sport Clubs program is part of the recently combined offices of Athletics and Recreational Sports. Associated Students will continue to support the band, as will IRA fees, but this relocation will allow Athletics and Recreational Sports to offer additional oversight, administrative support, and insurance coverage.

Announcement Approvals: